


Mayor Dickens, Invest Atlanta and Ygrene Announce Completion of Major Green Building Project

One of Atlanta’s largest green construction projects has been completed at Pullman Yards as part of a partnership between Invest Atlanta and Ygrene, one of the nation’s leading property improvement financing providers.

Working with Invest Atlanta, Ygrene helped Atomic Entertainment, owner of Pullman Yards, secure $3.8 million in retroactive financing for a new roof and insulation for one of the buildings on the historic property. This financing allowed Atomic Entertainment to recoup its costs for reinvestment in future upgrades, 包括节能管道, 供暖和空调, 电气系统, LED照明, 还有窗户和门.

Maureen Muelen of Atomic Entertainment says the opportunity to retroactively finance nearly $4 million in construction costs has made it possible to reinvest even more in the local community and further develop Pullman Yards as a cultural asset and economic driver for Atlanta. “This partnership between Invest Atlanta and Ygrene is a game-changer for commercial property owners like us,”穆伦说. “It is an incredible opportunity for every business in Atlanta to do their part to help the city meet its climate and energy goals.”

亚特兰大市长安德烈·狄更斯说, 与欧亚体育公司合作, the City authorized up to $500 million in bonds to finance commercial property improvements through the Ygrene. “五年前, the City approved the creation of this commercial PACE program that included a public and private partnership agreement with Ygrene Energy Fund,狄更斯说。. “The City’s program provides financing for energy-efficiency and renewable energy building improvements – since the cheapest energy is not wasting energy – and this program helps move Atlanta forward toward its ‘100% clean energy goals’ by the year 2035.”

这个项目, 事实上, is a prime example of how public-private partnerships continue to grow and support the Atlanta economy, while also helping the city reach its climate and economic mobility goals. “有了伙伴关系, we have another economic development tool to not only make buildings more efficient but also to increase affordable housing and support small business development while creating good, 在一个不断发展的行业中提供可持续的工作,”医生说。. Eloisa Klementich, president and CEO of Invest Atlanta.

通过亚特兰大的ygreen项目, commercial property owners can access smart capital to finance – or retroactively finance – hundreds of energy efficiency, renewable energy and water conservation upgrades, 比如太阳能和电池存储, 节能屋面, 窗户和门等等. ygreen提供了灵活性和快速审批, with up to 95% non-recourse financing and extended terms of up to 20 years.

“We are thrilled to partner with the 亚特兰大市 on this important project and help cement Atlanta as a cultural and economic hub for years to come,ygreen首席执行官吉姆·莱因哈特说. “Working with our exceptional partners at Invest Atlanta, we will continue to build on this collaboration and help more property owners lighten the financial burden of revitalizing their buildings while making strides toward a cleaner, 亚特兰大的绿色未来.”

The launch of the Ygrene program is part of a broader push by Atlanta to lead on climate action and was supported by the Bloomberg Philanthropies American Cities Climate Challenge. Atlanta is one of the 25 winning cities in the Climate Challenge, which is helping cities set and surpass ambitious climate goals by ramping up action in the two highest-emitting sectors in cities: transportation and buildings.

To learn more about Atlanta’s C-PACE program, visit web-sitemap.wvlibrarians.net/pace.
